
Because I finally have the time! 

I’ve kept a journal since I was very young and over the years my writing volume has ebbed and flowed. Some years I’ve filled every page and some years I only have a few entries, but writing has been a constant since I first learned how to put pen(cil) to paper.

Social media has given me an outlet to share my thoughts about life and my own experiences in a more public forum and I’ve gotten some amazing feedback about some of my posts. I’ve thought about a blog for a long time as something “I’ll do someday”…well, this is someday and I’m doing it!

What do I want to do with this? That’s what I’m finding out. I’m a planner and I have been for a very long time. I go into almost every situation with at least somewhat of an idea of what I’m doing and where I’m going. For the first time in my life I feel like I’m doing something just because I want to, without agenda or expectation. It’s new territory and I’ve learned that I find excitement in the unknown.

So here I go!

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